“Grizzly Man” is a 2005 documentary directed by Werner Herzog. In this documentary, Herzog puts together clips of video that Timothy Treadwell, a man who lived in the wild with bears, had taken over many years. Treadwell spent his summers in Alaska at Katmai National Park where he lived amongst bears; wild bears. Treadwell camped in the park and spent his time filming and getting to know the animals so that he could help them.
In his video clips, Treadwell shows many bears doing various activities. The things he caught on tape were of the bears living life; eating, playing, fighting, sleeping, etc. Timothy also interacted with the grizzly bears- he would get close enough to touch them and he even gave each grizzly a name. “I’m in love with my animal friends!” said Treadwell on one of his takes (he also interacted with foxes, not just bears). Throughout “Grizzly Man,” Treadwell proclaimed many times that he loved his animals and was there to protect them, but there were many interesting facts in the documentary that lead the viewer to believe he was out there for more than just the animals.
One clip would be of Treadwell saying how much he loved the animals, but the next would be of him saying how troubled he was- he didn’t have a girlfriend, maybe it would be better if he were gay, he used to be an alcoholic, etc. It was almost as if he lived with the bears to escape the human world. Timothy lived out in the wild to help the bears but also to help himself. Either way, Treadwell didn’t realize the danger he was in.
In 2003, a bear killed Timothy Treadwell and his friend that was with him (Amie Huguenard). It was an ironic play of events- Treadwell was out there to help the bears but one ended up killing him. There are many opinions of whether or not Treadwell should have been living with bears to help them, but it is a sad story that family members lost a son and daughter, and many lost their friends.
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