Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Better Hair; Better Life

An advertisement for Suave hair care in the March issue of Glamour magazine features a mom with frizzy, messy hair that is tied back into a bun. She has her baby boy in her arms and he is hanging upside down with a not-so-pleasant look on his face. Overall, the mother and son look like they are having fun together, but they are a little frazzled. The next page of the magazine shows the “perfect” mom and son after using Suave: the mom is standing straight up (like she feels satisfied), the baby is sitting upright in her arms with a smile on his face, and the mom’s hair is BEAUTIFUL!

If you have never heard of Glamour magazine, it is a magazine that targets women from the ages of 18 to 35. Glamour is full of fashion ideas, the latest info on the stars, things to do for fun, how to catch that perfect guy or satisfy the one you already have, etc. Therefore, the marketers at Suave new the audience reading this magazine would be perfect for their ad.

A mom would see the first page of the ad and know what it feels like to be on the go with children and not have time to take care of herself. When she sees the next page of the ad, it would make her want to have nice hair like the mom in the picture, but not only that, the mom in the picture looks like her life is perfect and organized, so the lady seeing the ad would want the same. She might think if she used Suave, her life would be more in order and she would feel satisfied.

Also, the ad uses ethical appeal because it uses a cute mom and son pair. Potential buyers of Suave would look at these two in the ad and see how trustworthy they appear to be. Everyone has an idea in their head that moms are smart and caring, so they would only use the best products available. So hey… if you use Suave your hair and life can be just as great as the mom’s and her son’s in the ad!

Suave. Advertisement. Glamour March 2008: Pgs. 274-75.

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